Categories: Android php projects

Design Of Android Base

Design Of Android Base

This application is simple yet powerful which integrated platform that connects all the various departments of an institute like Administration, Account, Students section, student and many more modules. We have seen over the years that the process of notice board, important notification about academics has been carried out manually, this process is not only time consuming but also inefficient. In this app we can get the notification given by the institute via emails.

Android is a new, next-generation mobile operating system that runs on the platform of Linux Kernel. Android mobile application development is based on Java language codes. It is an important platform to develop mobile application using the software stack provided in the Google Android SDK. This App has certain features like it provide information about department in which it gives information about staff, students and placement. Another feature is that notice is display on LCD notice-board and it gives notice via BLUETOOTH as well as notification directly sends on app. It also provide college calendar in which it gives schedule of holidays and events that are carried out in college. The most important feature of this Application is, user get college information on single touch.CodeShoppy

Android applications are written in Java programming language. However it is important to remember that without using the standard Java Virtual Machine (JVM) android applications cannot be executed. Instead, Google has created a custom VM called Dalvik. Dalvik is responsible for transforming and also for launching Java byte code. All recursive Java classes are necessary to convert into a Dalvik compatible instruction to put before being executed into an Android operating system.

A rich and extensible set of Views that can be used to develop an application, containing lists, grids, text boxes, buttons and even an embeddable web browser. xContent Provider that allows application to access data from other applications, or to share their own data. xA Resource Manager, providing access to non-code resources which includes localized strings, graphics and layout files. xA Notification Manager that enable all application to display custom alerts in the status bar. xAn Activity Manager that manages the life cycle of application and provides a common navigation backstack

Android Studio:- Android studio is the official IDE for the Android application development, which is based on IntelliJ IDEA. On top of the capabilities the user wishes from IntelliJ, Android Studio offers:xFlexible gradle-based building system xBuild variants and various apk file generation xCode templates to support you build common app features xRich layout editor with support for drag and drop them editing Lint tools to catch performance, usability, variations capability and other problem ƒProguard and app-signing capabilitiesBuild-in support for Google Cloud Platform, making it easy to integrate Google Cloud Messaging and Application Engine and many more. ii. Android SDK: – A software development kit that permits the developers to design applications for the Android platform. The Android SDK include sample projects with some source code, development tools, an emulator and required libraries for developing the Android applications. Applications which are built using the Java programming language and run on Dalvik, a virtual machine architecture for embedded use which runs on top of a Linux Kernel.


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